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We only sell wholesale. Please email us if interested.

Nicole says:

"Mizzi's salt is amazing, last night I cooked the most beautiful pasta sauce and Mizzi's salt really brought out the flavours. I own The Ugly Mug Broth Kitchen at the Manning Farmers market, I use Mizzi's salt in my broths and the customers love it!"

Mick says:

"I have suffered from chronic knee pain for many years. When you suggested that I try you magnesium jelly I was sceptical but I gave it a go not really expecting much improvement. Within three weeks of applying the jelly to my knee twice a day I have stopped wearing my brace, the swelling on my knee has gone down, I do not have any sharp pains and I can walk up stairs without limping or even holding onto the hand rails.
So for me this is a miracle thing.

Pav says:

"Hello Michael, I have bought your product Mg jelly 3 weeks ago. Yesterday I walked a lot and suffered severe legs cramps and swelling in knees/feet.
I used mag spray, karma drops to no avail. Then I remembered jelly which I stored in fridge. I used it (even the crystals) and cramps disappeared. I slept without pain. In the morning, swelling was totally gone.
BIG THANKS for your remedy. Wonder product. Xx Grateful.

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