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Salt of the Earth: 3 Ways Jesus Shows His Followers How?
Perhaps one of the influential people in all of history uttered the words “Salt of the earth” as part of a discourse on salt and light.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Matthew 5:13).
Jesus often spoke in parables and symbolic language so that seekers of truth will find meaning in His words while everyone else instead would brush his words aside. This is why Jesus often said “Whoever has ears, listen”.
But what is it about salt that Jesus would refer to it in one of the first messages he ever preached? Today salt is most commonly a food flavouring. In Roman Palestine, salt preserved food and disinfected wounds because it worked and refrigeration and antibiotics were not yet available.
Jesus’ sermon on saltiness is a challenge for us to examine how these three characteristics of salt are reflective in the lives of His followers.
1) Salt of the earth: Flavour
Salt amplifies the natural flavour of food because it reduces bitterness and increases sweetness when proportioned correctly. For flavour enhancement, there is no substitute.
Jesus’ reference to salt is symbolic of a person’s transformation to Christ’s likeness when choosing to be His disciple. This transformation is important because Jesus was without sin.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2)
Christ’s disciples will follow His example before allowing the world’s culture to influence them.
2) Salt of the earth: Preservative
Salt is a natural preservative. It can do this by
a) drying food stopping microbes from reproducing
b) killing them because salt is toxic to most microbes
Jesus commanded his followers to preserve and share His teaching to allow others the opportunity to become disciples and further preserve His message and His purpose even after two thousand years!
3) Salt of the earth: Disinfectant
Salt acts as a disinfectant because it kills many microbes and promotes healing. Jesus uses this analogy to describe what happens when a person chooses to let him in. Jesus promises eternal life and a restored relationship with God to anyone who decides to repent from sin, seek forgiveness from God and follow Him.
The Bible mentions salt over 40 times across the old and new testaments because many understood its purpose in ancient life and through history to today. Salt and other symbols in scripture help the writer teach biblical principles to all across generations and cultures.
Mizzi’s Salt
Extracted from an ancient underground paleochannel Mizzi’s salt preserves the natural goodness of all the minerals present in the brine. Mizzi’s salt does not contain toxins like microplastics found in sea salt.
Check the search list here for a selection of Mizzi’s salt products extracted from our Yilgarn River paleochannel spring.